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As someone who invested in my self growth, I know the value of quality coaching and what it can do for you!

Being a mom, teacher, and a life and success coach, my strength and determination have been a valuable asset. But in 2017 I realized that even though I was driven and resilient in many ways, I was missing a level of self-connection and passion in my life. My energy was imbalanced and I was under a lot of stress, to compensate I was trying to control things in my life that were out of my control. I was doing the every day things I should, but wasn’t feeling as connected or passionate about my life or myself as I wanted to. 

I got a coach who helped me go from a sense of loss and unhealthy control to a place of gratitude and empowerment. I became reflective, challenged my limiting beliefs about myself, added more balance to my life and set my priorities in a way that aligned with my values. Through my deeper sense of self-knowledge, self-reflection, and coaching that provided me with these reflections, tools and support, I found my inner power!

In this process I learned that I could not have gotten here as fast or as fluidly without receiving coaching. My world opened up. What I once saw as cumbersome obstacles that limited me in my life, I now can see as opportunities for inner growth. I am healthier, a more patient mom and teacher, and have a lot more to offer in my connections and career.